Friday, August 6, 2010

Massive Censorship Of Digg Uncovered

The article below documents the organized efforts of conservative groups to manipulate one of the most influential social media sites,, for political purposes.  Take a few deep breaths before you read.  It's pretty long and often infuriating.

From Massive Censorship Of Digg Uncovered:

One bury brigade in particular is a conservative group that has become so organized and influential that they are able to bury over 90% of the articles by certain users and websites submitted within 1-3 hours, regardless of subject material. Literally thousands of stories have already been artificially removed from Digg due to this group. When a story is buried, it is removed from the upcoming section (where it is usually at for ~24 hours) and cannot reach the front page, so by doing this, this one group is removing the ability of the community as a whole to judge the merits or interest of these stories on their own (in essence: censoring content). This group is known as the Digg “Patriots”.

1 comment:

  1. Political years are great as barometers of new media/social media tools and how they are used (or misused), so pay attention this fall!
