Thursday, August 26, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

Entelligence: One device to rule them all -- or not

Timely post on Engadget. E-books are the wild card, in my opinion, since the e-ink experience is so different (and necessary) for reading vs. a color display system (ala the iPad).

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Reactions to AXIOM show.

Post reactions to the exhibit (as comments to this post). A paragraph or two.

Workflow from Thursday's class

Articulate that idea -- conversation, written, etc.
Distill that into a 'spec' (written)

Refine spec into a detailed project description including timetable -- intermediate deadlines -- and visuals.

Prototype/comp one 'leg', one avenue, one whatever of the project.
Plan on rolling out an alpha version (working version)
Test, test, test -- the technology, the concept, the usability.
Get to a Beta version (almost ready for primetime)
Test, test, test.
Launch coordinated with marketing/PR/social media strategy.
Respond to any queries.

Kickstarter - A new way to fund & follow creativity

Use the link above as a resource for example specs/proposals/artists' statements.

In class links to look at

An alternate to blogger

Working with blogger

Some stuff to read about:

Field trip is ON!

Got confirmation from the Axiom Art Gallery that we are on for our field trip this evening to see their current exhibit Refresh.

We will still meet at 6 in our usual classroom locale before embarking en masse to the gallery around 7:15.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The making of a meme

For much of yesterday, a meme of a girl quitting her job via dry erase board went viral through comedy-content site, The Chive. Over 30K tweets, 400K unique visits to the site, and a similarly ridiculous amount of Facebook shares later, the entire incident has been outed as a hoax.  The Chive folks have been responsible for other hoaxes, like the girl who accidentally texted her dad when she lost her virginity.  Now here's a tongue-in-cheek take on the photos that offers you advice on how to make a meme.

The Chive writers talked about how it wanted to have some fun and exploit people's lack of due diligence.  This very minor incident shows how quickly misinformation spreads.  Given the crazy speed that news is now shared, everyone wants to the first one to spread the word, without first taking their time to fact-check. 

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Posterous for multiple posting

Hi guys,

I thought you may find this interesting. Posterous is a service that allows you to instantly create a blog. All you have to do is email them. You can then later set up the blog to cross post to many different services all at once. Here's a link...


Also, I'm having a birthday party on September 18th, and you are all welcome to come along.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Massive Censorship Of Digg Uncovered

The article below documents the organized efforts of conservative groups to manipulate one of the most influential social media sites,, for political purposes.  Take a few deep breaths before you read.  It's pretty long and often infuriating.

From Massive Censorship Of Digg Uncovered:

One bury brigade in particular is a conservative group that has become so organized and influential that they are able to bury over 90% of the articles by certain users and websites submitted within 1-3 hours, regardless of subject material. Literally thousands of stories have already been artificially removed from Digg due to this group. When a story is buried, it is removed from the upcoming section (where it is usually at for ~24 hours) and cannot reach the front page, so by doing this, this one group is removing the ability of the community as a whole to judge the merits or interest of these stories on their own (in essence: censoring content). This group is known as the Digg “Patriots”.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Assignment for 08/12/10

Email me by Wednesday noon, your concept for your final project. Email me at ravi [at] Don't worry about it being complete or finalized -- that's what we'll talk about.

We'll take a break next week at 7:15 and reconvene at Axiom art at 7:45.

I'll confirm all of this before we go!

Email me by noon!

Demons Hands

Demons Hands
Originally uploaded by ravijain
Cross posted from flickr.

Demons Hands

Testing out some upload options in my Creating Convergence class at Northeastern University.

molee's video

This is a rough cut of my cousins from New Zealand armwrestling. I spent too much time trying to figure out Premiere and After Effects, but I was able to get most of what I wanted in fairly quickly in iMovie. The transition times and effects still need a lot of tweaking though.

demonshands output1

Some MuayThai Move

In Any Weather

A video I have made using my pictures. And my hat. Updated to have sound.


Some differences...

Here is my video, it's pretty silly (some silly differences between the US and Spain) and way too long, so don't need to watch it all! I took it before knowing the final duration, and I had such a hard time that I did not want to shoot it again...

V8 make it easy!!

my first VDO commercial, Hope you like it!! LoL

This evening's haiku

The skys have opened.
A fury of rain descends!
Wait for me tonight...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Flipboard and the role of Twitter

A follow-up about that Flipboard product we looked at in class a few weeks ago from the New York Times. Take note of how Twitter and social media play a role with the rollout of a product. This is equally true with regard to rolling out content which is something we'll talk about this week in class.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

James Surowiecki: When social media became news

You might have already seen this talk (it's from 2005), but just in case... I think it complements the discussions we had the firsts days of class about communications and new media. The speaker focuses on blogs, bringing up a point that I think we missed, and it's a phenomenon that I find pretty interesting: how networks and collective thinking shape the individual thinking, which at the same time determines the collective thinking... a bit of a loop =) Well, it could be summarized in: collective intelligence, and let's say "collective dumbness".

(During approximately the first 5 minutes he basically talks about the tsunami of 2004 in Indonesia)

Assignment for 08/05/10

Yikes -- meant to post this earlier! Sorry for the delay.

Here's the link to the French film we watched a bit of: La Jetee


1. Edit your video into a final piece to bring into class.

2. Explore possible posting sites that we discussed in class:

3. If possible, set up an account on one of those sites (or another suitable one) and post your video piece.

4. For safety's sake, export as a .mov or high resolution format and bring in on portable media.

5. If you can link to your video on the class blog as an original post, please do, else we'll work towards that goal in class.

6. We'll also look at the concept of cross-posting and embedding automatically as well as using social media sites in concert with posting of original content.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Howlin For You

This is a 30 second video I made for my creating for convergence class