The University of Nottingham's Visual Learning Lab has recently conducted a case study which incorperates the Thunder
TM system in a learning environment. This technology was originally developed for use in industry, and was devised in order to interact with many pieces of visual information simultaneously. It consists of multiple projection screens controlled through a central tablet pc. The touch screen interface of the tablet is also replicated on the large screens, resulting in a free flowing interaction with the visual information that is conducive to group projects. These group projects took the form of two phases. In the first phase, students were divided into small groups and were then asked to define abstract concepts such as "liberal democracy" through the use of typed notes or hand drawn images. In the second phase, these images were transfered to the larger screens, and the instructor facilitated a discussion of the common themes found throughout.
The outcome of this methodology was that students spent more time thinking about the concepts and responding to their peers and less time taking notes.
Image courtesy of University of Nottingham image bank
Nice. Any video examples of this in action?